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For the past few years, Jessica Pietro has been working on a fantasy series called The Great King and the Seer. It will be a seven-book series, and will also feature novellas, short stories, and other extras. Book one, titled Seeking Elvyra, went on sale in February 2024. A Prelude, which is a collection of short stories and other fun sneak peeks, published in December 2023 and is available for purchase below. 


I hope you believe fairytales are real,
full of secrets and dreams and destinies.

The Great King and the Seer

Click the image to read about the book and find purchase links.

Part 1: The Revealing
front cover.jpeg

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Part 2: The Unraveling

Book 5

Book 6

Book 7

Shorts and Extras
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